
The following is a partial list of our world-class faculty who teach in the Master of Academic Medicine program, bringing together a unique combination of perspectives and skills. Please contact AcademicMedicine@med.usc.edu with any questions.

Core Faculty

Julie G. Nyquist, PhD, Program Director (Professor of Medical Education)

Kathleen Besinque, PharmD, MSEd (Clinical Associate Professor of Medical Education)

Donna Elliott, MD, EdD (Professor of Clinical Pediatrics and Medical Education; Vice Dean and Chair, Department of Medical Education)

Cha Chi Fung, PhD (Associate Professor of Clinical Medical Education; Vice Chair for Medical Education; Assistant Dean for Research and Scholarship)

Jerry Gates, PhD (Professor of Clinical Family Medicine)

Tara Humphrey, DO, MACM (Clinical Associate Professor of Anesthesiology)

Cathy Jalali, PhD  (Assistant Professor of Clinical Medical Education; Vice Chair for Medical Education; Director, Faculty Development)

Alan Liu, MD, MACM  (Assistant Professor of Clinical Medical Education; Associate Director, Clinical Skills Education and Evaluation Center)

Win May, MD, PhD, FRCP  (Professor Emerita of Medical Education; Director Emerita, Center for Assessment)

Jacob Schreiber, EdD  (Assistant Professor of Clinical Medical Education)

Samuel Yanofsky, MD, MSEd  (Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology; Director, Faculty Development and Medical Education, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles)

Expert Contributors

The program calls upon many experienced medical educators to work with our core faculty to help deliver superior courses.

Lavjay Butani, MD, MACM (Professor of Nephrology, Chief of Pediatric Nephrology, and Vice Chair for Academic Affairs, Department of Pediatrics, UC Davis School of Medicine)

Jack DePriest, MD, MACM (Assistant Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine, University of South Carolina School of Medicine)

Natalie Hohensee, DDS, MACM (Associate Professor, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry)

Holly Olson, MD, MACM (Assistant Professor and Deputy Designated Institutional Office, University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine)

Jeffrey Ring, PhD  (Independent Practice Leadership Coaching and Education)

Franz Smith, MD, MACM (Director of Graduate Medical Education and Chief Academic Officer, Saint Barnabas Medical Center; Assistant Dean, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School)

Ann Spangler, MD, MACM (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, retired)

Dale Vincent, MD, MPH, MACM (Tripler Army Medical Center, Hawaii, retired)

Velyn Wu, MD, MACM (Associate Program Director, Clerkship Director, Family Medicine, University of Florida)