
In addition to the technical assistance role described in the Data Collection and Analysis Technical Assistance for Tribal MAT Grantees project, the USC team will also conduct a program evaluation to assess grantee efforts as well as successes and areas for improvement in both the NMAT and TUICDBP grants. Regarding grantee efforts, the USC team seeks to understand strengths, challenges, and key takeaways of grantee approaches to implementing community-defined best practices. Evaluating the grantees’ efforts will help gather data about best practices regarding grantee approaches, processes, and protocols. The USC team will also evaluate the NMAT and TUICDBP grants to understand what was successful and what could be improved about the grants themselves. Data will be collected on grant logistics and implementation (e.g., the application process, the length and structure of the grant, the amount of funding provided, support provided through the grant, clarity of grant requirements) to ensure future grants reach the highest levels of efficiency, success, and impact with as little burden as possible placed on the grantees.


Claradina Soto, PhD, MPH (she/her)

Tribal affiliations:
Navajo/Jemez Pueblo

Associate Professor of Clinical Population and Public Health Sciences