Effects of Ice Flavors and Nicotine on E-Cigarette Product Appeal and Likelihood of Future Use in Adults

The goal of this project is to test the hypothesis that there will be a main effect of flavor on appeal and intention to use, that there will be an interaction between ice flavor status and nicotine concentration, and to determine if there are effects of tobacco product user status.

Project Aims

    Aim 1

    To test the hypothesis that there will be a main effect of flavor on appeal and intention to use outcome ratings, such that mean ratings will be greater for ice vs. plain flavor variants.

    Aim 2

    To test the hypothesis that there will be an interaction between ice flavor status and nicotine concentration, such that the aversive appeal- and intention-reducing qualities of 4% vs. 2% products will be suppressed when combined with ice vs. plain flavor variants.

    Secondary Aim

    To determine whether tobacco product user status (e.g., ever vs. never regular smoker of combustible cigarettes [based on > 100 vs < 100 cigarettes lifetime) moderates the flavor and flavor x nicotine concentration effects hypothesized in Aims 1-2.

    Principal Investigator

    Adam Leventhal, PhD

    Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences

    Director of the Institute for Addiction Science