
The Doctor of Philosophy in Epidemiology is designed to produce an epidemiologist with in-depth knowledge of methodology and analytic skills.

The program provides preparation in methodologic and applied epidemiology, emphasizing the use of advanced design and analytic techniques to problems of etiology, human biology, public health and evidence-based medicine. Applications are encouraged from those with strong quantitative skills who have completed an undergraduate or graduate degree in the biological sciences, public health, medicine, allied health, or related fields.

As a condition of admission, students must hold a Master’s degree in a related discipline (e.g., mathematics, statistics, epidemiology, public health) and have completed a Master’s thesis. Students entering the program with a relevant Master’s degree that does not require a thesis (e.g. Master of Public Health) will be assigned an administrative or research mentor upon entering the program who will evaluate their quantitative and writing skills before the student takes the screening exam.

PhD Characteristics

The USC Graduate School is committed to providing detailed information on the inputs, outcomes, and overall characteristics of its PhD programs, for the purposes of full transparency and to support informed decision-making.

Program Director

Joseph Wiemels, PhD
Email: wiemels@usc.edu
Joseph Wiemels, PhD

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