Melissa Alvarez, NP

Clinical Instructor of Medicine (Practitioner)

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Melissa Alvarez is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner (NP) with more than 13 years of experience in direct patient care. Melissa received her Master of Science in Nursing from Kaplan University, specializing in Adult/Gerontology NP. In 2023, she received her certificate specializing in Adult Gerontology Acute Care NP. She has strong clinical skills enhanced by her natural ability to build rapport with patients and families and act as an advocate for patients as needed. Melissa is committed to practicing medicine using a holistic approach and ensures that there is quality of care and open lines of communication between all members of the health care team. She has strong patient care skills working within the inpatient hospital setting and is experienced in chronic kidney disease management in the outpatient setting. In addition, she has experience in peritoneal dialysis: CCPD/CAPD for over 15 years. Melissa is highly personable with a positive attitude, can interact effectively with patients, families, and staff, and has bilingual proficiencies in both Spanish and English.


  • Economic evaluation of urgent-start peritoneal dialysis versus urgent-start hemodialysis in the United States Medicine (Baltimore). 2014 Dec; 93(28):e293. . View in PubMed