The MD-PhD program offers highly qualified students a unique opportunity to prepare for a career in academic medicine. The integrated training means some coursework can be applied to both degrees, which shortens the total time to finish both degrees. The breadth and depth of the training is invaluable to those pursuing a career in medical research and teaching.



MD PhD Curriculum Schematic


  • Students are encouraged to rotate in two or more laboratories and are given the opportunity to do so in the summer prior to entering the first year of medical school and between the first and second year of medical school in the summer.

  • MD-PhD students meet with program leadership in the first few weeks of medical school. Faculty outlines the coursework and expectations for MD-PhD students. MD-PhD students participate in two seminars designed specifically for them.

    1. Medicine at the benchtop and bedside
    2. Elements of career development for physician scientists.

    Students are expected to attend regularly scheduled MD-PhD seminar series, departmental and interdisciplinary research seminars, as well as interact with faculty at informal research presentation and discussion sessions in their area of research.

    Summer After Year 1

    Students are encouraged to rotate in two or more laboratories and are given the opportunity to do so in the summer between the first and second year of medical school in the summer, prior to the start of their PhD studies.

  • Spring of Year 2

    Generally, by the spring semester of the second year of medical school, the student decides on an area of research interest and applies to the graduate program of choice.

    End of Year 2

    After completing the second year of the medical curriculum and passing Part I of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE), the student enters the selected PhD program as a full-time graduate student. Three to six years are required to complete additional coursework in the discipline, the qualifying examination, and independent research leading to a dissertation and research publications.

  • Students must fulfill the requirements of the individual graduate program, which includes a course on ethics and accountability. Each program’s requirements vary, so student programs differ. To allow students to transition to the clinical years more easily and to sustain clinical skills while pursuing the PhD training, participation in the longitudinal clinical experience is required.

  • The longitudinal clinical experience, which gives students a hands-on experience in general medicine and/or in specialty training, is arranged by the student in collaboration with the program director and is flexible to accommodate both the student and physician schedules.

  • After completion of the dissertation, the student rejoins the medical class as a third-year medical student and completes the last two years of clinical training. The combined program involves, on average, a total of eight years.