Photo of 2024 Faculty Council

Welcome to the Keck School of Medicine (KSOM) of USC Faculty Council website. The Council is the only elected body that represents the interests of the over 1800 basic science and clinical faculty at KSOM. We are the largest school at USC comprising over ¼ of the total University faculty. The KSOM faculty members elect us to represent the KSOM faculty on matters of general associated concern. We serve as the primary advisory group to the Dean of KSOM and also an important role in representing KSOM to the University as a whole.

We regularly communicate with the Dean of KSOM and with members of the Dean’s senior administration, bringing forward problems and issues directly related to KSOM faculty status, responsibilities and welfare.

The Faculty Council:

  • Serves as a deliberative and consultative body with the authority to survey the faculty and make studies, reports and recommendations on all matters that have a significant bearing on the work or status of the faculty
  • Identifies issues of highest priority to the faculty and may discuss and debate current issues and matters of interest to the faculty
  • Advises the Dean and the Dean’s other advisory bodies on academic and faculty status matters
  • Acts jointly with the Dean to suggest, and to advise and consult on the appointment and periodic review of, chairs and members of school committees
  • Organizes meetings of the faculty-at-large to discuss issues of interest to the faculty
  • Communicates with the faculty-at-large about its deliberations in a timely manner

At the level of university-wide faculty governance, we represent the faculty of KSOM in the Academic Senate, and bring KSOM and Health Science Campus perspectives to the deliberations of that body, as well as directly to the Provost’s office and other university administrators.


We strive for a diverse and equitable representation of the faculty. Two thirds of the council represent clinical faculty and one third represents basic sciences. We also have part time faculty representation. Nominations are solicited annually around late spring and elections held in the summer with new terms staring in October. Faculty Council members also represent KSOM on the USC Academic Senate as senators. We are always looking for strong and active contributing members with good ideas about how to strengthen faculty governance within KSOM and work constructively with the KSOM administration to further faculty interests, advance KSOM within the university and improve KSOM for everyone.

Getting Involved

The KSOM Faculty Council meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month at 4pm, either in the Keith Administrative Building (KAM) or virtually or a combination of the two. All faculty members are invited to attend open sessions. Please contact for more information on how you can get involved.

Faculty Council Members

Contacting Us

If you are a KSOM faculty member with an issue of concern that you would like to bring to the attention of the Faculty Council, you may do so by contacting any representative, or by emailing

The Keck School of Medicine Faculty Council welcomes your feedback and invites you to share your ideas, concerns and thoughts.

Providing Feedback

The KSOM Faculty Council welcomes your input in order to provide better, more informed representation of the faculty. Comments and suggestions provided here will be reviewed and discussed by the KSOM Faculty Council.

Faculty Council Documents