About the Division


The Division of Biostatistics offers degrees in biostatistics, epidemiology, public health data science and molecular epidemiology, and is home to researchers working on ground-breaking studies in this evolving field.

Division Chief

We develop and apply state of the art statistical methods with the overall goal of identifying genes, exposures, and treatments that impact the health of diverse populations.

William Gauderman, PhD
Division Chief
Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences
Email: jimg@usc.edu
Phone: (323)442-1567
William Gauderman, PhD

Associate Chief of Education

I am a biostatistician with expertise in cancer modeling and the statistical analysis of epigenetic data in human disease. My current research focuses on developing mathematical models to understand the growth and spread of cancer.

Kimberly Siegmund, PhD
Associate Chief of Education
Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences
Email: kims@usc.edu
Phone: (323)442-1310
Kimberly Siegmund, PhD