
  • Reddy S, Straus C, Anzai Y, Hughes T, Allen B, Norbash A, Whitman G. Showcasing Our profession to the Future Physician Workforce. Academic Radiology. June 2017;24(6):780‐785.
  • Herr K, Straus S, Reddy S, Mullins M. “Partially matched” US senior diagnostic radiology applicants: scope of the problem and implications for applicants, residency training programs and the academic diagnostic radiology community, Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology. 2018 May‐ Jun;47(3);140‐145.

Scientific Exhibits / Presentations

  • Myers L, Reddy S, Fuhrman C, Lewis L, Hogg J Leveling the Playing Field: Boot‐Camp Style Use of MedU Core Cases and Workshops for Incoming Radiology Residents. 2018 Annual Meeting AUR.  Orlando, FL. May 7‐10, 2018.
  • Reddy S. Preparing for your annual review. 2018 Annual Meeting AUR. Orlando, FL. May 7‐10, 2018.
  • Reddy S. ACR Resident and Fellow Section Career Panel. ACR 2018 Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. May 19‐23, 2018.
  • Reddy S. Sustainability and Burnout in Emergency Radiology. ACR 2018 Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. May 19‐23, 2018.
  • Reddy S. Wellness, Sustainability, Burnout in Emergency Radiology. American Society of Emergency Radiology Annual Meeting. McLean, VA. September 26‐29, 2018.
  • Shin H¸Mansouri M, Singh A. Gastric pneumatosis: Etiology and imaging features. Abstract presentation. RSNA 2017 Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. November 2017.
  • Shin H, Dattwyler M. Non‐traumatic cardiac findings on a non‐ECG gated chest CT. Poster session presented at: The 2017 American society of Emergency Radiology Annual Meeting. Toronto, ON.  September 6‐9, 2017.
  • Shin H, Mansouri M, Singh A. Gastric pneumatosis: Etiology and imaging features. Poster session presented at: The 2017 American society of Emergency Radiology Annual Meeting. Toronto, ON. September 6‐9, 2017.