Neuroanesthesiology Fellowship

The Neuroanesthesiology Fellowship at the University of Southern California provides advanced clinical training in neuroanesthesiology, clinical research and education in order to prepare the fellow for an exciting career as an attending neuroanesthesiologist in either clinical or academic practice. This fellowship is a one‐year program for trainees who have completed a three‐year anesthesia residency training in the accredited program in the U.S.

This one-year neurosurgical anesthesia fellowship is designed to give concise and formal training in neurosurgical anesthesia at Keck Hospital of USC and Los Angeles General Medical Center. Knowledge of preoperative evaluation and intraoperative management of neurosurgical patients, neurophysiologic monitoring, postoperative ICU management, and interventional neuroradiological treatment are just a few areas that will be focused on during this fellowship.

Neuroanesthesia Fellowship Goals & Objectives


The Neuroanesthesiology Fellowship is currently a non-ACGME accredited fellowship. The fellowship is open to physicians who have successfully completed and accredited residency training program in anesthesiology.


  • Neuroanesthesia Fellowship Application
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Personal Statement
  • Three current reference letters, including one from residency Program Director
  • Current Medical License
  • USMLE – all three steps
  • Copy of Anesthesia Degree (if applicable)
  • Copy of Medical School Diploma
  • Documentation supporting citizenship status (if applicable)
  • Copy of In-Training Examination scores
  • Copy of official ACGME case log while in residency including: minimum report; the activity report; the resident experience report


For more information about our program or to send application, contact:

Eugenia Ayrian, MD
Neuroanesthesiology Fellowship Director