Excel in Clinical Care

Cardiovascular perfusionists are specialized, integral members of the cardiac surgery team. They are responsible for maintenance and support of a patient’s cardiovascular, hemodynamic, and metabolic state and function by utilizing the heart-lung machine, as well as additional ancillary devices in the cardiac operating room. A Master’s degree from the USC Master of Science in Perfusion Sciences Program prepares qualified students to enter the dynamic world of cardiovascular perfusion. The program provides the knowledge base, clinical experience, and resources necessary to become a highly trained, competent perfusionist, while also becoming a compassionate, caring member of a healthcare team.

We endeavor to cultivate highly-educated perfusionists who embrace professional core values, the advancement of patient care, and the profession of perfusion as a whole.

Julie Tinius Juliani, MHA CCP FPP
Program Director, Perfusion Sciences Program

Julie Fenske, MS CCP FPP
Clinical Coordinator, Perfusion Sciences Program
Julie T. Juliani, MHA CCP FPP, Program Director Julie Fenske, MS CCP FPP, Clinical Coordinator

Potential Applicants

We are happy to touch base with our potential applicants who may have questions! Please e-mail us at Perfusion.Sciences@usc.edu.


Zoom Sessions

We will be hosting informational sessions via Zoom to hear about our program from our Program Director and Clinical Coordinator, and answer and questions in a live Q&A. Please see below for the Zoom links.

Please check back for future Zoom session dates.