In the quest to advance essential knowledge, you’ve achieved remarkable strides that can save lives and improve health. But with more than a million scientific articles published annually, it’s crucial to find ways to make your accomplishments known.

Sharing your research with a broader audience can boost visibility within your field, enhance your reputation and expand the impact of your work.

An effective way to create awareness about research is through media relations. Engaging with various media outlets, from health care and research trade publications to consumer media, can increase the prominence of your work by placing it in front of a wider, more diverse audience. We look forward to working with you to determine the best way to promote your research.

If you have any questions regarding media relations, or would like to share news of upcoming research, please contact Laura LeBlanc (, head of media relations for the Keck School of Medicine.

If you are interested in exploring the possibility of media engagement around your research, we ask that you contact us as soon as your study or article is accepted into a journal or conference program so we can determine the best way to promote your work and prepare any needed materials in advance of publication.