National Scientific Exhibits / Presentations

    • Marx, MV. Baby on board: managing occupational radiation exposure during pregnancy.
    • Techniques in Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 2018; 21:32‐ PMID: 29471998
    • Marx, MV. Live without regret. Techniques in Vascular and Interventional Radiology. 2018 Mar; 21:1. PMID:29471993
    • Sahakia n AB. Jayaram P, Marx MV, Matsushima K, Park C, Buxbaum JL. Metallic coil and N‐butyl‐2‐cyanoacrylate for closure of pancreatic duct leak (with video). Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2017;August 2017. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 28843585
    • Deitte LA, Chen PH, Scanlon MH, Heitkamp DE, Davis LP, Urban S, Marx MV, Slanetz PJ. 24/7 In‐house Faculty and Resident Education. JACR 2018;15:90‐ PMID: 29304931
    • Lekht I, Nayyar M, Luu B, Guichet PL, Ho J, Ter‐Oganesyan R, Katz M, Gulati M. Intra‐arterial contrast‐enhanced ultrasound (IA CEUS) for localization of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) supply during transarterial chemoembolization (TACE): a case series. JOURNAL ARTICLE. Abdom Radiol (NY). 2017 May; 42(5):1400‐
    • Ho JM, Katz M. Creating Additional Suideholes as a Method to Exchange Clogged Drainage Catheters. To be published 2016 in Tips and Tricks in Interventional Radiology.
    • Harsha JR, Katz M. Use of a Peel-Away sheath as a method to Exchange Obstructed percutaneous Catheters. To be published 2016 in Tips and Tricks in Interventional Radiology.
    • Bagla S, Sayed D, Smirniotopoulos J, Brower JS, JN Rutledge, Dick B, Carlisle J, Lekht I, Georgy BA. Multicenter Prospective Clinical Series Evaluating Radiofrequency Ablation in the Treatment of Painful Spine Metastases. Journal of Vas and Interventional Radiology. Feb 2015;26(2):S20.
    • Lekht I, Brauner N, Bakhsheshian J, Chang KE, Gulati M, Shiroishi MS, Grant EG, Christian E, Zada G. Versatile Utilization of Real-Time Intraoperative Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound in Cranial Neurosurgery: Technical Note and Retrospective Case Series. Neurosurgical Focus Volume 40 March 2016.
    • Lekht I, Gulati M, Nayyar M, Ter-Oganesyan R, Katz M, Marx VM, Grant EG. Role of Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound in Evaluation Post Thermal Ablation Zone. Abdominal Imaging. First Online: 11 March 2016.
    • Lekht I, Gulati M, Nayyar M, Luu B, Ter-Oganesyan R, Katz M. Intra-Arterial Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (IA-CEUS): Utility in Localization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Supply During Trans-Arterial Chemoembolization (TACE) Submitted to JVIR, Under Review.
    • Dauer LT, Miller DL, Schueler B, Silberzweig J, Balter S, Chambers C, Damilakis J, Dixon RG, Marx MV, Thornton R, Vano E, Venkatesan A, Nikolic B, et al. Occupational Radiation Protection of Pregnant of Potentially Pregnant Workers in Interventional Radiology. JVIR 2015; 26:171-181.
    • Marx MV, Sabri SS. Interventional Radiology Residency: Steps to Implementation. JACR 2015;12:854-859.
    • Hanks S. Moderator and presenter for Morbidity and Mortality case presentation session.
    • Western Angiographic and Interventional Radiology Society 2018 Annual Meeting. September 10‐14, 2017.
    • Hanks S. Use of Blood Products in Interventional Radiology. Society of Graduate Radiologists and Faculty Meeting. October 2017.
    • Hanks S. Pelvic embolization for traumatic pelvic hemorrhage. American College of Surgeons Trauma
    • Quality Improvement Program Meeting. Chicago, IL. November 2017.
    • Hanks S. ACS guidelinesfor Interventional Radiology. Society of Interventional Radiology. Los Angeles, CA. March 2018.
    • Hanks S. Importance of Multi‐specialty collaboration in Trauma. Los Angeles, CA. March 2018.
    • Katz M. SAVE. M&M Case Presentations. Western Angiographic & Interventional Society 47th Annual Meeting. Santa Barbara, CA. September 2017.
    • Katz M. Liquid Embolic. Society of Interventional Radiology. Los Angeles, CA. March 2018.
    • Katz M. Melange. Moderator. Society of Interventional Radiology. Los Angeles, CA. March 2018.
    • Marx MV. Long term occupational risks related to ionizing radiation for IRs – review of data. Asia
    • Pacific Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology 13th Annual Scientific Meeting.
    • Auckland, New Zealand, March 8‐11, 2018.
    • Marx MV. Management of occupational radiation exposure – overall and specifically for women / pregnancy. Asia Pacific Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology 13th Annual Scientific
    • Auckland, New Zealand, March 8‐11, 2018.
    • Marx MV. What I’ve learned about the future. Asia Pacific Society of Cardiovascular and
    • Interventional Radiology 13th Annual Scientific Meeting. Auckland, New Zealand, March 8‐11, 2018.
    • Marx MV. Pathways to IR: integrated vs. independent +/‐ Medical Student Sunday. SIR 43rd
    • Annual Scientific Meeting. Los Angeles, March 18‐21, 2018.
    • Marx MV. How did we get here? Why is it called IR/DR and not IR only? In IR/DR – Developing our Future Leaders categorical course. SIR 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting. Los Angeles, March 18‐21, 2018.
    • Peters G, Marx MV. Uterine fibroid embolization and beyond. Co‐moderators, Case‐Based workshop. SIR 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting. Los Angeles, March 18‐21, 2018.
    • Keck School of Medicine of USC Department of Radiology Annual Report 2017‐2018 ‐ Publications 12
    • Marx MV. Racial, ethnic and gender disparities in IR training. In SAM – Racial, ethnic and gender disparities in IR. SIR 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting. Los Angeles, March 18‐21, 2018.
    • Marx MV. Pancreatic Interventions: IR Turf? Western Angiographic and Interventional Society 47th
    • Annual Conference. Santa Barbara CA, Sep 14, 2018.
    • Schroff S. Renal endovascular procedures. Interventional Radiology Student Interest Group Lunch Talk. Keck School of Medicine. September 20, 2017.
    • Schroff S. Endovascular Treatment of Variceal Bleeding: TIPS and PARTO. Gastroenterology Grand Rounds. Keck School of Medicine. February 22, 2018.
    • Tucker F, Salamo R, Gordon B, Schroff S. A novel approach to treating Myomatous Erythrocytosis Syndrome with Uterine Artery Embolization. Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Scientific Meeting. Los Angeles, CA. March 17‐22, 2018.
    • Ter‐Oganesyan R. Role of Interventional Radiology in the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
    • 2017 Advances in GI Cancer Symposium Keck School of Medicine of USC. Pasadena, CA. November 18‐19, 2017.
    • Katz M. Portal Vein TIPS for SMV Occlusion, Preented at Morbidity and Mortality/Great Saves. 46th Annual Western Angiographic & Interventional Society. Vancouver, BC, Canada. September 10-15, 2016.
    • Lekht I. Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty: Where are the Benefits. ASNR 53rd Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. April 25-30, 2015.
    • Lekht I. Radiofrequency Ablations. USC Graduate Society 2015 Annual Meeting. La Quinta, CA. October 10-11, 2015.
    • Bakhsheshian J, Chang KE, Lekht I, Brauner N, Gulati M, Shiroishi MS, Christian E, Zada G. The Utilization of Intraoperative Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound. 84th ANNS Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. April 30 – May 4, 2016.
    • Lekht I, Gulati M, Nayyar M, Ter-Oganesyan R, Katz M, Marx VM, Grant EG.Role of contrast enhanced ultrasound in post thermal ablation zone. Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada. April 2-7, 2016.
    • Lekht I, Gulati M, Nayyar M, Ter-Oganesyan R, Katz M. Intra-Arterial Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (IA-CEUS): Utility in Localization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Supply During Trans-Arterial Chemoembolization (TACE). Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada. April 2-7, 2016.Marx MV. Interventional Radiology: Resident Case Review. Association of University Radiologists. New Orleans LA, April 14 – 17, 2015.
    • Lekht I. Crossbreeding IR and Neuro IR Tools and Techniques. 46th Annual Western Angiographic & Interventional Society. September 10-15, 2016.
    • Lekht I. Trans Radial Interventions Clinical and Contemporary IR 2016
    • Marx MV. Vice Chairs for Education: Working with Fellowships. Association of University Radiologists. New Orleans LA, April 14 – 17, 2015.
    • Marx MV. IR Residency: Independent Versus Integrated. What’s the Difference? Association of University Radiologists. New Orleans LA, April 14 – 17, 2015.
    • Nayyer M, Desai B, Cen S, Marx MV. Gender-Specific Factors Affecting Medical Student Interest in Radiology: Results of a Survey. Scientific Abstract. RSNA 2015, Chicago IL. Dec 2015
    • Marx MV. Women in Radiology (NOT). Grand Rounds. Department of Radiology. University of California, San Diego. San Diego, CA. Jan 5, 2016.
    • Marx MV. Splenic Embolization after Blunt Trauma: Who, When, What? San Diego Radiology Society. San Diego CA, Jan 5, 2016.
    • Urban S, Coroian C, Ter-Oganesyan R, Lekht I. Institutional Experience Using Microwave Ablation in Tandem with Kyphoplasty in the Treatment of Vertebral Body Metastatic Disease. American Society of Spine Radiology (ASSR) 2016 Symposium, Bonita Springs, FL. February 17-21, 2016.
    • Urban S, Coroian C, Ter-Oganesyan R, Lekht I. Institutional Experience Using Percutaneous Thermal Ablation as an Adjunct to Vertebral Body Augmentation in the Treatment of Metastatic Disease. Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada. April 2-7, 2016.