Well-being Strategic Plan

The Well-Being Program has crafted this strategic plan to help guide the Keck School on a path to further prioritize and improve the well-being of all constituents. Broadly, our goals are to:

  1. Cast a clear vision for well-being.
  2. Establish coalitions of well-being collaborators to enact local-level work.
  3. Establish well-being metrics to monitor progress.
  4. Develop well-being guidance, resources, and programming.
  5. Support meaningful interventions to address well-being challenge areas.

Goals & Measures of Success

  • STRATEGY 1: Broadly promote a philosophy of well-being based on the Stanford model of professional fulfillment. Amplify and advocate for the well-being needs of all.

    STRATEGY 2: Communicate in a frequent and transparent manner with the KSOM community at large to build awareness, engagement, and trust.

    STRATEGY 3: Foster partnerships with KSOM leadership to ensure avenues for feedback, collaboration, visibility, growth, and engagement with well-being initiatives.

    STRATEGY 4: Create onboarding well-being materials to set the tone for new hires.

  • STRATEGY 1: Appoint, educate, and empower Well-being Champions for all KSOM faculty and staff departments, units, and offices at KSOM.

    STRATEGY 2: Establish KSOM Learner Well-being Committee to represent learners in all schools and academic programs at KSOM. Advocate for learner needs through cross-school and cross-program collaboration.

    STRATEGY 3: Collaborate closely with all KSOM and partner well-being offices including Medical Student Well-being, JEDI-WeST, Human Resources, Faculty Affairs, USC WorkWell, USC Healthy Campus, Keck Medicine Care for the Caregiver, GME Wellness, MindfulUSC, and USC Campus Well-being and Education.

    STRATEGY 4: Collaborate closely with all Keck populations and partnering institutions via the Keck Well-being Council.

    >>> Measures of success: Number of Keck Well-being Council meetings; attendance at meetings; number of Council deliverables; adoption of Council recommendations across KSOM.

    STRATEGY 5: Establish the Well-being Leadership Committee with top well-being leadership at KSOM’s partner institutions including Keck Medicine, CHLA, LA General, and GME. Collaborate with these partners to create a shared vision and discover opportunities for collaboration with our shared populations.

    STRATEGY 6: Serve as member of AMA CHARM Charter to indicate commitment to well-being and create national networking opportunities.

  • STRATEGY 1: Administer the Keck Well-being Survey, a collaborative effort between KSOM and Keck Medicine. Baseline for well-being to established in 2023 for all schools, departments, divisions, units, and offices. Share analyzed survey data to with wider community and local leadership in a timely, transparent, and accountability-driven manner. Understand which populations are most in need; dedicate resources to those groups. Continue to monitor well-being status through regular assessment.

    STRATEGY 2: Join Stanford’s Healthcare Academic Professional Well-being Consortium (PWAC) to gain access to national benchmarking data for the Keck Well-being Survey and gain national networking and scholarly opportunities.

    STRATEGY 3: Develop a Well-being Dashboard for all departments, schools, and units/offices. Dashboard measures to include whether teams have a designated Well-being Champion, Champion’s attendance rate at meetings, team professional fulfillment and burnout scores as benchmarked to KSOM averages, team response rate on the Keck Well-being Survey, team’s number of completed process improvement projects, team’s adoption of well-being guidance, resources, and/or programming, frequency of mid- and top-level leadership self-evaluations.

  • STRATEGY 1: Publish resources, guidance, and actionable recommendations for consideration by departments, schools, and units/offices. Initiatives to include:

    • Guidance on healthy email culture
    • Guidance on healthy meeting practices
    • Guidance on appreciation and belonging initiatives
    • Recommendations on dedicated, labor-mapped time for well-being/self-care

    STRATEGY 2: Provide personal resiliency events and programming to the KSOM community, targeting any special needs or known gaps. Initiatives to include:

    • Trauma informed resiliency trainings
    • Well-being for women educational series
    • Peer support program (emphasis on administrative staff and non-MD students who do not have access to other
      existing programs)
    • Commemoration of National Suicide Prevention Month, National Suicide Prevention Week, World Suicide Prevention Day, and National Physician Suicide Awareness Day
    • Therapy dogs
  • STRATEGY 1: Empower local groups to address systemic, cultural, and organizational factors that impact well-being. Partner with teams to identify their unique pain points and create achievable short-term goals. Educate teams on best practices including the LISTEN-SORT-EMPOWER and Getting Rid of Stupid Stuff models.

    >>> Measures of success: Number of educational sessions on well-being process improvement provided; of team members with knowledge about approaches to well-being process improvement; creation of preliminary process to track projects; local needs assessments on process improvement needs; number of performance improvement projects with well-being outcome metrics.

    STRATEGY 2: Launch a Well-being Champion department grant program in 2023 to award funding to teams with a clear vision and strategy to enact local well-being process improvement projects.

    >>> Measures of success: Grant program launched; number of departments participating; success of department interventions as measured locally; sharing of lessons learned with other Champions and community at large.