Our Programs

The Keck School of Medicine at USC offers several dual degree MD programs, allowing students to combine their medical education with an advanced degree in Public Health, Business Administration, and other relevant fields. These programs are ideal for students seeking a broader skillset for careers in public health, healthcare management, and research.

  • The MD-PhD program is a collaborative program between USC and the California Institute of Technology for students who aspire to be physician-scientists, work in academic medicine or in the biotechnology industry.

    MD PhD Curriculum Chart

  • The MD-MPH program is designed for students who want a solid background in public health in addition to obtaining their medical degrees.

    MD-MPH Curriculum chart

  • The MD-MBA is a joint degree program between the Keck School of Medicine and the USC Marshall School of Business for students who want an in-depth understanding of the increasing role that business plays in the delivery of health care.

    MD-MBA Curriculum Chart

  • The Master of Science in Health Systems Management Engineering (HSME) program, offered by the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, teaches these skills to Physicians, Nurses, Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Specialists, interested in leading this transformation. The program moves graduates to the forefront of healthcare innovation, re-engineering how health care is more efficiently delivered and better patient outcomes can be achieved.

    MD HSME curriculum chart

  • The Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (BME) program, offered by the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, prepares students for diverse professional careers at the interface between engineering, biology, and medicine.  A minimum of 28 units are required for the degree and students must also meet the prerequisite courses for admission.

    MD/BME Dual Degree Curriculum