• Clinical Experiences
    • Students are paired with a primary care physician mentor for monthly, primary care, community-based clinic experience integrated with the Introduction to Clinical Medicine (ICM) course.
  • Additional Training/Workshops
    • Students participate in additional didactic sessions and activities including hands-on procedural skill training (i.e. ultrasounds, suturing, needle injections, etc.) and multiple primary care focused physical exam (i.e. newborn exams, health fair assessment exams) and clinical health assessment trainings (i.e. mental health, sexual health, motivational interviewing, nutrition & exercise assessment, etc.).
  • Community Service
    • Students learn health education skills by teaching community patients English-Spanish bilingual, bicultural nutrition, exercise, and cooking classes at the Los Angeles Wellness Center
    • Students develop skills in older adult and team-based interprofessional health care by participating in interprofessional older adult education and service-learning in low-income Los Angeles housing sites and patient home visits.
    • Students build community engagement skills and a deeper understanding of the social determinants of health and their connection to patient care through participating in service projects once per semester in organizations around Los Angeles.


  • Primary Care Senior Seminar
    • Students will participate in a 4-week advanced primary care training elective to include: community clinical experiences, skill based didactics, MSK, POCUS, lactation, and family planning workshops, leadership and advocacy training, quality improvement projects, health education, and community resource training .
      • Students who did not participate in the PCP from the time of matriculation may have an opportunity to take the Primary Care Senior Seminar based on availability.


For more information, visit the Primary Care Initiative website in the Keck School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine.