
Endowments provide the type of permanence that fuels research, teaching, and clinical innovation within the USC Caruso Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. Because they generate self-sustaining income streams, endowment funds permit research to continue despite the frequent fluctuations in NIH grant support that occur in today’s political environment. Our most common uses of endowment income are to recruit and retain our world-class research faculty, provide seed funding for high-risk/high-reward research, and obtain the latest research equipment so that USC can continue to be at the forefront of innovation.

Endowments are truly what make USC a strong and enduring institution and increasing our Departmental endowments is a top priority for us. We work closely with our donors to make sure we understand their wishes and we take our responsibility to meet these wishes in perpetuity seriously.

We are forever grateful to those donors who have helped to create our current Departmental endowment portfolio.

USC Caruso Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery Endowment Fund

This fund provides critical support for the Department’s education, research, and patient care programs of the USC Caruso Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery at the Keck School of Medicine. A key goal of this endowment is to improve treatments and develop cures for hearing loss.

USC Ira Goodman Endowment Fund

Ira Goodman’s gift affords our Department faculty, and that of our USC Norris faculty, the ability to provide patient care, education and research within the area of Head & Neck Cancers in perpetuity.

Howard P. House, MD Visiting Lectureship Fund

This fund is in honor of the late Howard P. House, MD, a previous Chair of this Department. Its purpose is to teach and inspire students, residents, faculty, and the greater medical community. This fund sponsors an annual lectureship and monetary award of recognition to a visiting professor in the field.

USC John K. Niparko, MD Research Fund

Innovation is possible when an organization’s ability to respond to new ideas and changing needs is fluid. The Niparko fund, established by the late Dr. John K. Niparko, his family, and friends, enables Department leadership to direct support to various research, clinical and programming needs, as they evolve.

USC Watt Family Chair in Head and Neck Cancers Fund

The Watt Family’s Fund plays a critical role in supporting the translation research and treatment of head and neck cancers.