Illustration of cells and molecules

About the Molecular Medicine PhD Program

Yalo Dou, PhD, Program Director
Yali Dou, PhD, Co-Program Director
<a href="">Sita Reddy</a>, PhD, Co-Program Director
Sita Reddy, PhD, Co-Program Director

The PhD program in Molecular Medicine focuses on training next generation scientists to uncover the molecular mechanisms that underlie a broad spectrum of human diseases including cardiac, liver, kidney, lung, skin, skeletal muscle, bone, intestinal, vascular, brain and eye diseases. In today’s era of biomedical research, it is crucial for students to develop the ability to integrate knowledge and expertise from different scientific disciplines to gain a comprehensive understanding of complex diseases and develop novel mechanistic insights and effective treatments. To achieve this goal, the Molecular Medicine PhD program emphasizes the importance of convergent science and data-driven approaches in unraveling the molecular basis of human diseases. The program aims to foster critical thinking and interdisciplinary expertise for the students via individualized curriculum and interactions with faculty from diverse backgrounds such as biology, computational sciences, engineering, chemistry, physics, mathematics and clinical medicine.

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